Expert Medical Record Review for Case Success with Legaore Legacore Solutions

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Why Medical Records Review is important?

Medical Records Review, Medical Summary, Medical Chronology – whatever it may be called - It is one of the most essential procedures in any case settlement. The series of medical visits and tests conducted by doctors are gathered, organized, summarized and arranged chronologically. This record is very important for paralegals, attorneys, adjudicators and various others to prepare for cases/trials. The key to handle such processes require a lot of medical and legal knowledge to understand and simplify complex data into easy and accessible records, especially to the ones concerned. Capturing relevant information in the client specific format, highlighting the contrast, bringing on the pre-existing illness and/or gap in treatment helps the attorneys handle the case better.

Medical Records Review

Understanding and deciphering both digital and handwritten medical records is carried out by medical expertise who can lay the importance of injury and how it could correlate with the legal issues to resolve the case for medical legal services. Medical Records Review could further be consolidated to a less than a page or two like a synopsis to provide a gist that takes much lesser time for for case studies. Medical Records Review helps anyone with even limited knowledge of the field to understand the events. It gives a bigger picture to perform the case analysis or case study. The claims adjuster, attorneys and other users have factual reasons for the causation of the injury. Using the right technology can be an added advantage for the users to access the data.

The above said could be easily accomplished with years of knowledge by our expert team. Legacore deliver a custom made end product as per the requirement of the clients.

Indexing and Bookmarking
Summary -> Synopsis -> Timeline
Summary -> Synopsis -> Timeline -> Hyperlink
Summary -> Synopsis -> Timeline -> Billing Summary
Medical Record Arrangement